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From Dial-Up to DMs: Hurdles Gen X Faces on Social Media

Ask Me Anything

How to learn to love social media. I got a fantastic question from my friend and Marketing Magician Kimberly and felt it was worth a post. And a great way to start off my Ask Me Anything adventure. So, thanks Kimberly.

I totally relate to this one and my simple answer is not to love it, but to learn to like it.

Less pressure, more fun, and less guilt.

And my instinct for people with privacy concerns is always to create a backup email account instead of our primary one. So, that will solve part, but not all of the privacy concerns.

Be like Kimberly and Ask Me Anything

Suggestions on playing with social media rather than letting it play you

How to learn to love social media or at least like it. Embracing social media can be a bit of a tightrope walk, especially when you’re someone who values privacy. Here are a few fun and hopefully insightful responses to your question:

4 Ways to Start to Like Social Media

4 More strategies that can work

Common Gen X Social Media Concerns

Generation X has a unique set of concerns regarding social media due to their transitional position in the digital evolution.

Here are five common concerns:

Here are five additional concerns:

Understanding these concerns can help in navigating social media platforms in a way that feels more comfortable and authentic to Gen Xers.

How to learn to love social media may just be about liking it because it might be a better match to our core personality makeup.

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