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Q4 Social Media Trends & Thoughts

Across platforms you may have noticed a reduction in organic reach.

This is not accidental because all social media platforms are moving towards boosting. Mainly as a way to generate revenues. How long will the clampdown on organic last – nobody knows.

So, what do you need to do?

Test Boosting

For those of you on Linkedin, if you want to boost posts you will have to have a business or showcase page. for a test campaign target a minimum of $150 per test campaign

For other platforms just ask.

Test Adwords

You may not be aware that Google changed their analytics system. The old system ended on July 1st and the new system has now been active since then. This means next week will end the first full 90-day cycle of new reporting. We are seeing some positive results on small adwords campaigns.

Integrate Microsoft Clarity and Bing Webmaster Tools

I’m not going to lie, I’m impressed with their new tools. Especially, the recordings in Clarity. They help you to see what changes need to be made at a site.

Book a Bonus Strategy session Free!

As a gift book a bonus session and we will go over the specifics of your situation.

Holiday Bonus Buy 1 get 5 additional private sessions (no limit)

It is the holiday season and the Buy 1 get 5 private sessions are back to stock up on 2024. Order these if you think you’ll need additional sessions.

If you want 5 sessions just order 1. The average rate per sessions ends up being $32. If you want 10 order 2. There’s no limit, but the sale ends October 21st

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