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want to work with bobby

Here is how we can make some magic together

Sometimes getting social media to the next level is simply about having a fresh set of eyes looking at your stuff.

You can work with us daily, weekly, or monthly.

Daily Pass

With the daily pass, we will have a one hour chat, then spend some time diving into the details, and send you an actionable report.

This is perfect for individuals

Weekly Pass

Same concept but more for clients with a small team. We spend a few hours chatting with you and the team. Same thing at the end you get a report that is immediately actionable

Monthly Pass

For the big corporate types. It just takes longer when there are more cooks in the kitchen

Grizzly Day Pass


For Individuals

One hour private session

Content Audit

Metrics Made Healthy

Trackable actions

20% discount on future purchases

Big Bear Weekly Pass


For small teams

Eight hours of private or group sessions

Team audit to make sure every person is being heard

Healthier Metrics

Content Creation

30% discount on future purchases

Bear Den Monthly Pass


For corporations and C-suite

Twenty hours private or group sessions

Financial modeling for tracking success

Metrics that make you win

Content Creation

40% discount on future purchases